Monday, July 25, 2016

“I Imagine My Life as a Series of Musical Numbers”

This summer has been good to me. Sandwiched between three assorted jobs, I have managed to watch a slew of series that have been on my radar. And while I will be writing about plenty of them in the future, the one that I want to discuss currently is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. 

I vividly remember watching Rachel Bloom winning a Golden Globe for her performance, sprinting up to the podium and thanking the audience profusely, for allowing her the opportunity to tell this story. And in a way, it's a simple one: Rebecca, a mentally unbalanced, clinically depressed woman, reconnects with an ex and decides to follow him when he moves to California. But here's the kicker: it's a musical too. A lot of the goings happen inside of Rebecca's head, and as such, the numbers are used as her own self of expression. It's quirky, it's fun, and also heartbreaking. Expressing a lot of the feelings and actions through song really helps this show to sing, no pun intended. While the series has high highs, it also has some low lows. Some characters don't quite fit into this world, and not all of the musical numbers mesh.

That said, when the music soars, it really takes the show to another level. That is why I wanted to devote today's post to celebrating my five favorite numbers from the first season of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I chose only five, because then we would be getting into some tricky waters, trying to list all of the great songs. Believe me, there are so many.

05. “What’ll It Be” from 1x06, My First Thanksgiving with Josh!

I'm not going to lie, I am a huge fan of power ballads, and this one foot the bill for me. Giving the audience its first glimpse into the sadness and bitterness that consumes Greg, we are first able to see this light aching that is simultaneously relatable and sad. Pining over Rebecca is not the only thing going on in Greg's life, and this piano driven cry for help is one example of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend combining a tongue-in-cheek approach to its vague hint of loneliness.

04. “The Sexy Getting Ready Song” from 1x01, Josh Just Happens to Live Here!

But at times, the series is flat-out hilarious. And this number exemplifies this perfectly, blending in tons of visual gags and spoofing rap interludes. What else could you possibly need. This was the first song in the show that made me cackle.

03. “JAP Battle” from 1x13, Josh and I Go to Los Angeles!

Did you know that JAP stood for Jewish American Princess? Nor did I, but boy did this song teach me a thing or two. In the same vein as Rap Battles, Rebecca and childhood nemesis Audra lay down some sick burns (I will never write that phrase ever again) as they take on opposing sides on an upcoming court case. What I value in a series is a quick wit, and this song packs all the punt that could normally be found in entire seasons.

02. “Settle for Me” from 1x04, I’m Going on a Date with Josh’s Friend!
Heralding back to Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, this number finds Greg begging Rebecca to give him a chance for a date. And it's here where Crazy Ex-Girlfriend finds its groove. This Emmy-Nominated song throws in every trick in the musical theatre handbook and comes out victorious. It's magical and satiric and wonderful. 

01. “You Stupid Bitch” from 1x11, That Text was Not Meant for Josh!
No other song stood a chance. After royally screwing up a plot to be with Josh, Rebecca sings this to an unseen crowd of adoring fans. She laments her flaws, her inner demons that she cannot escape, and it is in this one song that we are offered a needed lens into Rebecca's broken, damaged character. The song is hilarious, but it is also a reminder that this woman is not perfect, nor should we condone all of her actions. She is desperate for love and attention, and she will do anything to get it. Here, she comes to terms with this, staring at all of those demons and urging us to sing along with her. In a way, you could argue that she is forcing us to confront our own flaws. Perhaps I am reading into this too deeply, but this number has stuck with me long after watching it. I find myself singing along gleefully, but at the same time, with pangs of regret. This was one astonishing number. 

And with that, I turn it to you! Have you watched the series? What are some of your favorite numbers?

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