Monday, January 16, 2017

Ushering in 2017 with Dread and Dismay (Joking Partially)

Happy belated new year, everybody! Time sure flies when you're trying to figure out your life, and you manage to have nothing figured out at the same time. Boy, doesn't it get exhausting to be caught in such existential dread?

In all actuality, I am reaching a point in my academic career where it feels like things are starting to wind down. I am in the middle of writing my thesis, and on top of that, I only have one class standing in the way of my Master's degree. When I write it down like that, it sure doesn't sound like a lot, does it? But in the meantime, I will sit here and ponder how quickly the future is sneaking up on me-- and I don't want to hear any of that "the future is now" garbage. Get out of here with that.

Looking back at what I have previously written, I hope you enjoyed my Best of 2016 Television. I love making lists, and so to compile a comprehensive list of some of my favorite TV was a joy for me. Truth be told, I would love nothing more than to write another post now about all the movies and performances from the past year that have left me awe-struck. I know many are saying the quality of cinema is diminishing, but I beg to differ. In a way, it kind of kept me going this year. All that said, be on the lookout for the "best in movies" post coming in the next month or so. I still have so much to catch up on, and with school and speech underway, I have found even less time to sit down with my watchlist and catch up on everything. But you best believe that extensive list has started to dwindle... but will it ever be complete?

So where does this leave me? Where are we? When I sit down and write a post, I like to be clear what it is I am doing. Now that I am no longer writing for the sake of a grade, I feel freer. What can I talk about with you. I suppose a great place to start is with a brief catch-up on my current 2017. When I am not writing here, what is it that I am doing with my life? Here is a list of what gets me up in the morning, what keeps me going.

  • Watching movies/ television. Yes, I know this one is obvious. But there is still so much to see. 
  • Thinking about the future. I will absolutely not write everything that I am aspiring for once I graduate, because I do not like being wrong about the future. But now has come the time for me to evaluate what I want to do with my life and what I can do. I'll try and keep you in the loop on this-- there is so much to think about.
  • I recently got a part-time job at a local movie theater. Not only can I see free movies, but I can also immerse myself in a culture that I love so much. Orientation starts this week. 
  • Grad student-ing. This entails coaching, going to class, reading, writing, and various meetings with different organizations and professors. I would like to say that I am super busy with all of this, but I also know this is not entirely the case. 
In short, I wanted this to be a post that lets you know, "YES! I am still thinking about all of you readers dearly. But... I also have a life." Okay, yeah, I'm joking there. But I am still trying to find this strange balance between work, school, social lives. So many intersections. So many crossroads. Britney would be proud.